Behind the scenes

SEPTEMBER: Simulation-basEd Procedures To EstiMate BasE Rates

Covid-19 antibody tests used to identify whether an individual has been infected with SARS-CoV-2, can be employed to estimate the prevalence of this disease on a more aggregate or population level. If, for instance, such a test is taken among a nu...

WiDS Datathon Maastricht 2021

BDSI took part in this year’s Women in Data Science datathon from Maastricht university. A Datathon is similar to a Hackathon, a weekend-long competition wheasdre you are challenged to solve problems with code. The prolems in a datathon are from d...

Using RNA to show that Covid-19 and 5G are connected

RNA is the DNA of viruses. So what does it tell us if the RNA of Covid-19 can be show to be related to 5G? First, the evidence. We download the genome for Covid-19 from the NCBI database, and convert it into a string. # get RNA sequence rna <...

Global Emotions during the Corona Pandemic

Tweets are coloured according to their emotion. Yellow: Joy, Red: Anger, Blue: Sadness, Green: Fear. The Tweet appears on the location it was sent from (given in latitude and longitude) Introduction This small pr...