
Workshops, Seminars, and other events

Upcoming events

Past events


Data science for the behavioural sciences

Advances, advantages and challenges of using data science for the social sciences.

Applied Statistical Learning Book Club

Eight one-hour courses on applied statistical learning, from beginner to expert levels with a focus on immediately applying the theory.
#statistical learning
#machine learning

BDSi Data Science Week

An interactive, educational and fun week of data crunching, modelling, (virtual) lunch workshops, and team work open to all BMS students and staff.
#statistical learning
#machine learning

Tidy Data Wrangling

A one hour introduction to the 'tidy' approach to preparing raw data for analysis.
#data wrangling

Introduction to Machine Learning

A short introduction to the basics of machine learning.
#machine learning

Introduction to Data Visualization

A forty-five minute tour of creating visualizations in R.

Causality and causal inference from observational data

Science is concerned with uncovering causal relationships. This can be done with randomized controlled trials. However, in particular in the social sciences, more often than not only observational data is available, as randomized controlled trials...
#causal networks
#observational data

Data Science Week: Retake

An interactive, educational and fun week of data crunching, modelling, (virtual) lunch workshops, and team work open to all BMS students and staff.
#statistical learning
#machine learning

Tidy Data Wrangling

A one hour introduction to the 'tidy' approach to preparing raw data for analysis.
#data wrangling

Introduction to Data Visualization

A forty-five minute tour of creating visualizations in R.

Introduction to Machine Learning

A short introduction to the basics of machine learning.
#machine learning

Causal Inference Paper Club

Following the large interest of our webinars on Causal Inference, BDSi is organizing a paper reading club on Causal Inference. We want to give a more extended insight into the field by organizing a paper club. Using the materials and reading list...
#reading club
#causal networks
#observational data

Shiny - Interactive visualizations in R

A picture says more than a thousand words. But can you have a conversation with a picture? With R and Shiny, you can! BDSi is organizing a workshop on creating interactive visualizations with R and Shiny. In one afternoon, we’ll quickly introduce...
#interactive visualizations
#reactive programming
#interactive documents
#interactive reports

Analysis of time-intensive longitudinal data

Data are increasingly collected in a continuous or semi-continuous fashion. Think of heart rates, blood sugar levels, all sorts of sensor data, wifi tracking, and self-report data. In collaboration with MST and ZGT hospitals, BDSi will organise tw...

Data Science Week - Summer 2022

An interactive, educational and fun week of data crunching, modelling, (virtual) lunch workshops, and team work open to all BMS students and staff.
#data science week
#statistical learning
#machine learning

Tidy Data Wrangling

A one hour introduction to the 'tidy' approach to preparing raw data for analysis.
#data wrangling

Introduction to Machine Learning

A short introduction to the basics of machine learning.
#machine learning

Introduction to Data Visualization

A forty-five minute tour of creating visualizations in R.

ChatGPT: chances and challenges in education

chatGPT is bringing massive disruption to the sector of education. It can write essays, answer exam questions or write code better than many students or educators, but it can generate misleading information.BDSi organises a short seminar about cha...
#panel discussion

Data Science Week - Spring 2023

An interactive, educational and fun week of data crunching, modelling, (virtual) lunch workshops, and team work open to all BMS students and staff.
#data science week
#statistical learning
#machine learning

Tidy Data Wrangling

A one hour introduction to the 'tidy' approach to preparing raw data for analysis.
#data wrangling

Introduction to Machine Learning

A short introduction to the basics of machine learning.
#machine learning

Introduction to Data Visualization

A forty-five minute tour of creating visualizations in R.

Women in Data Science Twente

Martina Ivich Jijon
An interactive, educational and fun week of data crunching, modelling, (virtual) lunch workshops, and team work open to all BMS students and staff.
#data science
#statistical learning
#machine learning
#explainable ai
#health care

Data Science Drinks

Join us for an evening of connections and conversations at our Start of Year Drinks event

Data Science Week - Summer 2023

An interactive, educational and fun week of data crunching, modelling, (virtual) lunch workshops, and team work open to all BMS students and staff.
#data science week
#statistical learning
#machine learning

Tidy Data Wrangling

A one hour introduction to the 'tidy' approach to preparing raw data for analysis.
#data wrangling

Introduction to Machine Learning

A short introduction to the basics of machine learning.
#machine learning

Introduction to Data Visualization

A forty-five minute tour of creating visualizations in R.

Women in Data Science Week

An interactive, educational and fun week of data crunching, modelling, (virtual) lunch workshops, and team work open to all BMS students and staff.
#data science week
#women in data science
#equity in healthcare
#statistical learning
#machine learning

Workshop Shiny for education and valorization

A picture says more than a thousand words. But can you have a conversation with a picture? With R and Shiny, you can! Overview BDSi is organizing a workshop on creating interactive visualizations with R and Shiny. In one afternoon, we’ll quickly ...
#interactive visualizations
#reactive programming
#interactive documents
#interactive reports

Generalizing Behavior Prediction Models from VR Experiences

Yue Li
Funda Yildirim
You are warmly invited to the BDSI Extended Reality (XR) meeting on December 18th, in Capitool Room 307. During this meeting, Yue will give a presentation on “Generalizing Behavior Prediction Models from VR Experiences”, focusing on optimal method...
#xr community
#xr/extended reality
#vr/virtual reality
#behavior prediction models
#multi-modal data

Data Science Week Spring 2025

An interactive, educational and fun week of data crunching and modelling, lunch workshops, inspiring speakers, and networking opportunities open to anyone affiliated with the UT interested in Data Science.
#data science week
#statistical learning
#machine learning